I loose subscribers on YouTube every day.
Apr 29, 2024
Most photographers don’t have the tools, don’t want the tools or don’t care to know about the tools to make a living at this. When I talk less about taking pictures and more about this photography business...
I loose subscribers. During the lifetime of my YouTube channel I've lost 2910 subscribers.
But I also gain more subscribers daily than I loose. In the same period I've gained 21 200.
I'm currently at just over 18.3K. And my videos have been watched over 1.2 Million times.
I'm constantly learning and implementing new solutions the problems I face and I share those solutions with the photographers that watch me. What I'm doing on YouTube keeps growing.
There are more that WANT to change their reality than those that want to stay in the same place.
There seems to be a growing mass of people that clearly see, what they are currently doing day to day isn’t working with their photography careers or their lives.
As I get clearer here explaining the effort it takes to be a working Pro, it seems many aren’t committed to the work outside the photographs so they don’t want to hear about anything they don't know.
Sadly many choose to stay comfortably numb in that daily grind. Seems they’d rather work to make their bosses dreams come true instead of their own.
Others don’t want to hear, “they need to improve”. They seem to be looking for a yes man so they unsubscribe as well.
What this means for you, if you're still reading this is clear.
Most photographers don’t have the tools, don’t want the tools or don’t care to know about the tools to make a living at this.
Most care about vanity metrics like “more followers” because they think that leads to work.
Naturally they gravitate towards that content and neglect the content that actually moves the needle.
Anyone that avoids critical pro photography information is simply months away from quitting due to lack of clients and having any concept on what to do day to day.
60% of photographers quit their first year.
23% quit in their second.
All you need is dedication and information and you become part of the 16% that actually make it.
Camera skills and composition skills does not make you a nickle.
It takes the technique of turning those skills into money that I teach here.
EVERYBODY QUITS before they learn the right information.
For some of you, this direction and information is exactly what you need and you understand the reason why.
There is a method.
I’ve been using it for 25 years to teach my assistants how to be working pros.
Over the past 6 months I've been turning my method of developing emerging pros into actionable steps I can teach to anyone with talent with a camera and a desire to do this full-time, online wherever they are in the world through my Masterclass.
I’ve turned hundreds into working pros.
These are just 3 success stories.
Each of these 3 shooters were my full time assistants and with me daily for 2 years.
If you’re reading this and you’re not subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do.
I know the info I’m sharing. I know it inside and out. I’ve been a working pro for 33yrs.
Understand that it really makes no difference to me if you know this info or not.
But I do hope that you want to make the changes to get yourself out of your current situation.
These changes do take a certain kind of courage. I hope you find the courage in yourself to change your life for the better.
I’m sure it’s why you’ve found this letter. You’re looking for information.
For those that are unwavering in their pursuit of a pro career making photographs and dreams come true, I’ve made a masterclass just for the right kinda psycho.
You’re late. We’re 4 cycles in.
But you can catch up by watching my last 4 classes and catching up on my extensive notes.
Use my method and I promise it’ll change your life.
For the rest of you who may not be interested right now, please continue overload your brain with professional business information, and I will continue to share it here free here.
Expect much more content here on the Carty Method Website and a Pro Group.
God bless.
It’s hell out there.
In this crazy future, you better be with the right Crew.